Find your 9others
‘Find your 9others’ is the book Katie and Matthew have written about the first 10 years of founding and running 9others. The book is full of stories from the first 10 years of 9others including anecdotes ‘from the dinner table’, the 10 key questions you need to ask yourself as you startup and scale up, and why you should go on your own journey to find your 9others.
From the back cover:
The questions to ask yourself as you start up and scale up
If you could sit down to dinner with some of the world's most ambitious startup entrepreneurs, what would you ask them?
Since 2011, 9others has hosted over 5,000 entrepreneurs at 500 events in over 45 cities around the world and asked one simple question: what's keeping you up at night? We’ve heard the challenges that entrepreneurs all around the world have faced; their thinking and the behavioural traits that helped them overcome those challenges.
In this book, 9others founders Katie Lewis and Matthew Stafford will help you discover the questions you should be asking yourself as you start and scale your own start up, and why you should go on your own journey to find your 9others.